Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thundercats 6" Tygra...FINALLY!!!

I had pretty much given up on finding myself a six inch Tygra figure at retail when my wife and I went out for our date night and to do some Christmas shopping for out kids.  I was checking out eBay just the night before and almost pulled the trigger on one for right around $30, but I decided to hold off a bit because Matty Collector is hitting me pretty hard this week.  My wife decided she wanted to run into a TJ Maxx while we were out, and I nearly passed out when I saw a lone Tygra sitting among the other clearance toys for $4.50!!!  Needless to say I snatched him up and I am finally able to say that I have a six inch Tygra to go along with my other six inch cats.  Enough babbling though, go check out the pictures.

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