Saturday, October 20, 2012

Big Update Coming Soon!

I have a whole lot of stuff coming up soon...hopefully.  I've got my Voltron blue and black lions to add, along with their pilots and the big boy Voltron himself.  I also have a huge order of MOTUC coming from Matty Collector next week sometime that I'm hoping to get up soon as well.  I will also be taking the TMNT Galleries from this site and adding them to their own site, like I have with the MOTU and Thundercats figures.  I'm really loving the new show and the toys are great.  I plan on trying to keep up with all the new figure releases and the line seems to be off to a great start so hopefully there will be a ton of figures for me to add to the site.  I haven't decided on the vehicles yet and I'm afraid a four foot tall playset may lead to my divorce. 

That's all I have for now, thanks for checking out my site and please feel free to subscribe and leave comments.

MOTUC Mekaneck Gallery

Mekaneck is finally here!  He was one of my favorites from childhood and this updated version is one of my favorites of the classics line.  He is a perfect update to one of my favorite figures as a kid, I couldn't be happier with this go look at some pictures.